Terms of use

Important information. Make sure to read the Terms of Service before you start using the services. Terms of Service set a legal contract between you as a user and the company. If you want to use the products or services, you need to accept the terms of use. If you refuse to accept the terms of use, make sure to contact our support centre or don’t use the services of the company.

1. General Terms

A. Possible changes. Keep in mind that we can change the terms and conditions at any time. If we resort to any changes, we will make every effort to let you know about the changes. Though, it isn’t always possible. We will also have to deem your account use if there’s a need to revise the terms. If you don’t accept any of the above-mentioned terms, make sure to get rid of your account by deleting it.

B. The eligibility of the user. If you are 18 years old or your account has been previously banned, you can’t use our services. If you accept the Terms of Use, you are supposed to state that: (i) you have the right to become a legal participant of the cooperation; (ii) you aren’t barred from using the websites under the applicable jurisdiction; (iii) you accept the Terms and are ready to act according to the rules, laws, and regulations.


C. Mobile Service. You can use any wireless mobile device, such as a phone or tablet, to reach the service. By using your mobile device, you agree to the constitutions related to messaging, data use, or fees, if they apply. You are the person to be responsible for mobile service use. You should know about the restrictions or costs which can be applied to the use.

D. Licence. License. You are allowed to use the service with the help of a personal license. It is royalty-free, non-exclusive, and variable. The license is supposed to allow you to use the service according to the rules. You cannot copy, change, share or sell any parts of the service. You must not deal with the source code or try to benefit from it for personal purposes. You may do so solely in cases when you receive our legal and verified permission.

E. Trademarks and Copyrights. You have to respect the company and every company-related affiliate. By using the Service, you cannot use the branding or logos, videos, designs, or other materials; you must not copy, download, save, display or perform the content used by the Service; you are prohibited from using the content performed by the Service for any commercial purposes unless you receive an official consent from the Service.

F. The expiry for breach. If you violate the terms of use, we are allowed to terminate your account and prohibit the use of the Service for you. You can have your account terminated if (i) you participate in any fraudulent, unauthorized, or hacker activities, or used improper ways for obtaining the information from the Service; or (ii) you showed signs of violating the regulations of the general You in Live policies, Rules or Terms of Use, including racist, pornographic, xenophobic, abusive or any or any other offensive manifestations that damage the reputation and well-being of the Service, we can ban the account. You can get all your cards, gifts, and coins confiscated immediately and without any notification. In such cases, we perform the right to charge extra fees and penalties from you.

G. Rights Reservation. The company decided to reserve its rights.

2. Privacy Issues

Privacy Policy reveals the terms of use of the Service that you find on the website. In case if you accept the policies, you agree with the regulations and that we can process and transfer the information to other countries. These countries may have different data protection laws and regulations.

3. Copyright Violation

We take copyright issues seriously and ask for the same treatment from our users. We try to ensure that no infringing material appears on the website. If it is so, we immediately get rid of the material. If your account features any infringement copyright activity, we are allowed to terminate it.

If you notice any infringement issues on the website, you have to contact us. If you send the request to our team, it must:

  1. 1. Contain the signature of the sender.
  2. 2. Feature the suspicious material.
  3. 3. Feature personal contact information of the sender.
  4. 4. Provide the arguments to explain why you believe that the material violates the copyright rules.
  5. 5. Ensure the statement that the information is accurate.

4. General Service Use

  1. 1. The service is constantly improving. We can add extra features or suspend the use of some functions. We try to alert you about the changes when it is possible.
  2. 2. If you use the Service, you accept the following rules:
  3. 3. You are prohibited to distribute the information from the Service using any means of distribution unless we authorize the distribution.
  4. 4. You cannot modify the content on the Service.
  5. 5. You won’t perform any attempts to reach the Service parts that you aren’t supposed or authorized to work with.
  6. 6. You won’t use the Service for the commercial goals unless you receive written approval from our team.

5. Repay Policy

A. All the virtual coins that you earn can be cashed out once in two weeks. The final sum will depend on the currency exchange rate. We determine the currency form and can change it.

B. To perform the Payout, you need an active account linked to your user account. The payments are processed within 7 days.

C. If the amount of Payout is bigger than a residual Virtual Coins Value, the Payout cannot be executed.

D. Payout activities don’t include any withdrawal fees. You are the person to be responsible for any extra fees related to the actual Payout transaction. These could be the fees from your banking system.

E. If your account has been inactive for 2 months, the Coins are to be removed from the account. Being inactive means, you haven’t logged into the account or didn’t have the opportunity to use the account.

In case if your account is deactivated or terminated, you have no opportunity to refund your Virtual Coins or receive the compensation. If the Service notices suspicious, fraudulent, or unauthorized activity with your account, your access can be limited immediately. If access to the account is ceased, you aren’t allowed to use the account.

6. Terms and Termination

A. The Terms legally set between you and the Service come into effect when you launch the Service and use it for the first time. The Terms continue to have force until the account is terminated by any of the contract parts.

B. If you want to terminate the terms, you can terminate the account, delete it or get rid of the app from your mobile device. If you want to delete personal content presented on the Service, you can use the corresponding functions. This step won’t terminate the Terms, though. If you resort to a violation of the Terms, Rules, or Regulations of use, the Service can restrict access to your account without any prior alerts. If your account is to be terminated, we will do our best to send you a notification.

7. Electronic Communication Consent

If you accept the Privacy Policy, you agree to take part in our electronic communications practices.

8. Liability Disclaimer and Limitation

A. The Service acts according to the laws and doesn’t offer any hidden warranties connected with the purchase and the following satisfaction of the customer. Our Company tries to ensure the best experience for the users. But it doesn’t mean that (i) the Service use will always remain secure; or (ii) you will always benefit from a flawless service use; or (iii) that the content will always be accurate.


B. The Company isn’t responsible for the content users upload, post, share or download using the partner’s app. You should have a clear understanding that it is possible to see offensive, misleading, or illegal content accidentally.

We reserve the right to remove the content posted by a user if there are relevant circumstances.

C. The Company and its staff aren’t responsible for the damage, revenue loss, or other issues resulting from your use, access, or content alteration on the Service.


9. Compensation

Using the Service, you agree to defend the You in Livestaff, its partners, licensors, and agents if any issues connected to your account use or user content on the Service arise.

10. Third-Party Involvement

If there are any disputes between the user and the third party, be it a copyright owner, carrier, or user, you are responsible for the dispute. You also defend the Company from any damage that can arise or be the consequence of your dispute with the third party.

11. Other issues

A. If you accept the Terms, you agree to the rules and Terms of Agreement set by the Company.

B. The terms are created to the benefit of our assigned parties. We reserve the right to that could be omitted in the current Terms. You cannot dispose of the Terms, content in the Service, or any other information without our written and approved consent. If any of the rules are considered illegal, the rest of the Terms still have the power.

C. You agree to the statement that there’s no common partnership, joint venture, or agency connections between you and the Company.